Mapping Listing Search Results

From the Search Results List, you can display any property on a street map. You can map one, several, or all properties. The results appear plotted on a map next to existing schools, hospitals, and other points of interest.

A marker flags the location of the listings on the map. The color of the marker indicates the listing status (e.g., available, sold). See the legend below the map. You can click on any marker to view the corresponding broker report, or move your mouse over it to view listing details in the right-hand panel. You can print the map along with listing details for any mapped property.

Adjust the view of the street map using the zoom buttons. (See “Using Zoom and Direction Buttons”, below.)

Listing markers may overlap at certain zoom levels. Markers always overlap if the properties have identical map coordinates (e.g., condo units). TMLS lists overlapped listings at the bottom of the right-hand panel. Tip: Click to center the cross hairs near overlapped markers, then choose a closer zoom level.

NOTE: Certain listings cannot be geocoded, and therefore will not display on the street map. If any of the following fields are incorrect or missing: address, municipality, province, postal code; or the street name or number doesn't exist in the database (it may be a new house on an old street or a brand new street) the listing may not display on the map. The MLS# is displayed at the right under the heading "Could not be located". Click on any MLS# in this list to display the listing detail view; click on the MLS# at the detail view to display the listing.

The legend below the map defines the most common map markers. Click Full Legend to display a comprehensive list of markers and other map information.

You can opt to perform a Radius Search from the centre-point of the displayed map. Alternatively, you can save the Street Map for use in a subsequent Radius Search. You can only save one map at a time. When you opt to save a map any previously saved map is overwritten.

Using Mapped Search Results

Using Zoom and Direction Buttons

Zoom Levels

Map Used

Map Details

.8 km, 1.6 km, 3 km

1:25,000 ratio map

The most detailed; shows all roads, side streets, legend markers. Most maps in the MapArt book display at this ratio level.

6 km, 12 km, 25 km

1:250,000 ratio map

Shows major roads with fewer side streets and legend markers.

50 km, 100 km, 200 km

1:750,000 ratio map

Shows municipalities, areas, and highways.

To Map the Search Results

  1. At the Search Results List, click to check the search results you want to display on the map. NOTE: If you want to display the entire list, do not check any.

  2. Click Street Map. TMLS displays the map, with the listings flagged.

  3. At the map, point (without clicking) to any listing marker. A detail view of the listing with a picture (when available) displays at the right side of the page.

  4. You may zoom in and out and move the map in any direction.

To Print the Map

  1. Click Print View. TMLS displays the map in a secondary browser window.

  2. Choose Print from the browser's File menu.

  3. Specify the printer options.

  4. Click Print.

  5. Click to close the browser window and return to the street map.

To View and Print a Listing from Mapped Search Results

  1. At the map view, click on any listing marker. The corresponding broker report displays.

  2. To print the listing report, click Print View. TMLS displays the report in a secondary browser window.

  3. Choose Print from the browser's File menu.

  4. Specify the printer options.

  5. Click Print.

  6. Click  to close the browser window and return to the listing report.

  7. Click Return to Map if you want to return to the street map.

To Use Radius Search from this Location

  1. Click Radius Search from this location.

  2. Select a Class and Availability and then click Submit.

  3. TMLS displays the Radius Search page, with the centre-point of the search pre-filled from the previous map.

  4. Adjust the zoom level and fine-tune the centre-point, if required. Enter search criteria, as needed, and select a radius or draw a search area. See Radius Searches for more information.

  5. Click Submit to view search results.

  6. Click Street Map to map the search results.

To Save a Street Map for a Subsequent Radius Search

Tip: You can print documents without extraneous reference information at the top (header) and the bottom (footer) of each page. (See Special Printing Format.)

See Also