Special Printing Format

When you print any browser page, it generally includes certain extraneous reference information at the top (header) and the bottom (footer) of the page. This includes the name of the document, printed page number, the URL, and date. Occasionally, you may want to print a document without this information. To do this, change the browser print controls. Restore these codes after printing to ensure they are available for subsequent browser print applications. You can copy and paste header/footer codes from the topic below (see To Restore Header and Footer Printing, below).

Using Special Printing Format

To Eliminate Header and Footer Printing

  1. With the printable format displayed in a secondary window, choose Page Setup from the browser's File menu.

  2. At Header, delete the codes in the text box.

  3. At Footer, delete the codes in the text box.

  4. At the bottom of the Page Setup dialog box, click OK.

  5. Choose Print from the browser's File menu.

  6. Specify the printer options.

  7. Click Print.

To Restore Header and Footer Printing

  1. Copy the code below to the header text box. Left click and mouse over the header code (to select it); type CTRL+C to copy the code (hold down the CTRL key and type C after selecting the text).

&w&bPage &p of &P

  1. Choose Page Setup from the browser's File menu.

  2. At Header, position the cursor at the beginning of the text box, then type CTRL+V to paste the header code (hold down the CTRL key and type V).

  3. At the bottom of the Page Setup dialog box, click OK, then return to this Help topic.

  4. Copy the code below to the footer text box. Left clickand mouse over the footer code (to select it); type CTRL+C to copy the code (hold down the CTRL key and type C after selecting the text).


  1. Choose Page Setup from the browser's File menu.

  2. At Footer, position the cursor at the beginning of the text box, then type CTRL+V to paste the footer code (hold down the CTRL key and type V).

  3. At the bottom of the Page Setup dialog box, click OK.

NOTE: You don't need to close the Page Setup box at Step 4 if you know how to position both windows side by side. See Windows Help for instructions.