Saved Criteria

TorontoMLS allows you to save your search criteria in most listing searches (not Radius Search, see note, below). Use the saved criteria (in its original form or modified) for subsequent searches.

Criteria saved for a particular listing search is available for similar listing searches. Due to the unique nature of the different searches, however, search fields for one search type may not be available for another search type.

Note: you can save one Street Map or Radius Search map for use in a subsequent Radius Search.

Saving, and Using Saved Search Criteria

Cross-Class Saved Criteria

Criteria saved in one class can be used to search a different class (e.g., criteria saved in the Residential Freehold class of a Quick Search can be used in the Residential Condo & Other class of a Flex Search). Carefully review the new search before submitting it, to confirm that vital search fields not common to the two classes are properly specified.

If a field is present in the saved search and not in the new search (because either the class or search type is different), that search text is not available in the new search. If the new search has required fields that aren't available in the saved search, you must enter these.

Be sure the search fields and text make sense in the new class before submitting your search.

NOTE for Flex Searches: TMLS displays the saved search fields and corresponding text at the bottom half of the page, in the Search Criteria box. Carefully examine this information in light of the new search. If a field in the saved search is not available in the new search, TMLS deletes it from the criteria. If the new search has required fields that aren't available in the saved search, you must select and enter these.

To Save Search Criteria

  1. After entering your search criteria, go to the Save Criteria As text box.

  2. Enter a name for your search.

  3. Click Save.

  4. At the confirmation prompt, click OK.

To Use Saved Criteria

  1. At Use Saved Criteria, select the name of the saved search criteria from the drop-down list.

  2. Click Use.

  3. The text appears in preview format at the new search page. Verify the accuracy of the criteria for the new search. Use the criteria as presented or modify it.

  4. Click Submit.

Notes on Modified Saved Criteria

If you modify saved criteria, you can save the modified criteria as a new and unique search, keeping the original search intact. Alternatively, you can replace the original saved search with the modified one.

To Delete Saved Criteria

  1. At any search page, at Use Saved Criteria, select the name of the saved search criteria from the drop-down list.

  2. Click Delete.

  3. At the confirmation prompt, click OK to delete the saved criteria, or Cancel to maintain the saved criteria.

  4. At the final confirmation prompt, click OK.

Saving, and Using a Saved Map

To Save a Map

To Use a Saved Map

See Also