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CMA Marketing Plan

TorontoMLS offers you the opportunity to create a marketing plan to include in your CMA presentation. Develop a timetable of activities to demonstrate to the prospective clients your plan for marketing their property.

After you prepare a marketing plan you can save this as your personal default plan. Each time you prepare a CMA report you start with your default plan. Make changes as required for the new presentation.

Using the CMA Marketing Plan

To Create A Marketing Plan

  1. At Timeframe, enter the date you anticipate for an activity.
  2. At Activity, enter a description of the activity.
  3. If you have more than one activity, click Add Another Activity. TMLS displays an additional set of input fields. Enter text. Repeat as necessary until all activities are defined.
  4. If you want to save this marketing plan for use as a default in subsequent CMAs, click Set As Default. At the prompt, click OK.
  5. Click Next, or Presentation Contents, to proceed to that page. (See CMA Presentation Contents).

To Use a Default Marketing Plan

Once you create a marketing plan and save it as the default, TMLS displays this at all subsequent CMAs. Review the plan and edit where necessary (e.g., the dates):

  1. At Timeframe, edit the date if required.
  2. At Activity, edit the description if necessary.
  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for all activities listed.
  4. To add an additional activity, click Add Another Activity. TMLS displays an additional set of input fields. Enter text. Repeat as necessary until all activities are defined.
  5. To remove any activity from the plan, click Delete This Activity.
  6. If you want to save this marketing plan for use as your new default in subsequent CMAs, click Set As Default. At the prompt, click OK.
  7. Click Next, or Presentation Contents, to proceed to that page. (See CMA Presentation Contents).

Changing Your Personal Default Marketing Plan


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Copyright Stratus Data Systems, Inc. 2011
Help for TorontoMLS, v. June 30, 2011