Entering Search Criteria

Choosing Items in a List Box

List boxes allow multiple selections. Peruse the list with the scroll buttons on the right side of the box.

Choosing Items in a Drop-Down List

Drop-down lists contain a list of items from which you must choose only one option. Peruse the list by clicking the down arrow (or both up and down arrows) on the right side of the box. Click to select the item you want.

Entering Values in a Text Box

Choose "Starts With", "Contains", or "Equals" before entering text values. If you are having trouble obtaining a match while searching a text field like Street Name with "Equals", choose "Starts w/" from the drop-down list, then enter the first few characters of the street name in the text box. For example, if you entered a street name "Equals HILLSPRING" with no results, try using "Starts w/ HILL".

Street Name

Starts w/


This search finds properties matching "123 HILLSPRING" as well as "123 HILL SPRING".

OR Searches

Once you enter search text in a text box, click on the OR button, if available, to enter additional criteria in the larger text box, below. TorontoMLS interprets each entry you add with the OR button as another way to search the listings. In the above example, the search finds streets starting with "MC" or "MAC".

To delete or edit a value, select it in the OR box; TMLS displays the value in the main text box, on top. Backspace through the value to edit, or erase, the value.

Entering Date Fields

TMLS accepts dates in the form of mm/dd/yy, m/d/yy, and mm/dd/ccyy. The following examples are acceptable for January 2, 2006:




Entering Min/Max Ranges

Search fields using "Min" and "Max" boxes allow you to search a range of values. Enter the smallest acceptable value in the "Min" box and the largest acceptable value in the "Max" box.

The example above finds properties with a List Price greater or equal to $250,000 and less than or equal to $300,000. If you specify a value only in the "Min" field, the system finds listings with a list price equal to or greater than the value entered.

See Also