You are here: Reports > MLS Sold Statistics
MLS Sold Statistics
Use MLS Sold Statistics to generate summaries of single family dwelling
sales. Choose either of the following report types:
- Most recent sold
statistics - for summaries providing year-to-date and month-to-date
statistical data. Note: The system generates statistical data at midnight
each day. Therefore, the information provided in these summaries is current
to the last midnight run. The date of the statistical data is indicated
in the title at the top of each summary page.
- Historical sold
statistics - for summaries providing year-to-date and month-to-date
statistical data through the last day of the month chosen.
Choose an Area and one or more Municipalities for which you want statistics.
- Summary Report: For each Municipality, the system
shows the number of Actives, Sold dates, Averages and Median's for both month and year.
- Detail Report: for a particular Municipality, the system shows statistics for active, sales, and average, median, minimum, and maximum sales figures are broken down for each property type for both month and year.
Using MLS Sold Statistics
- Select the Reports
tab at the top of any TMLS page.
- At Report Tools,
click MLS Sold Statistics.
- At Please Select
a Timeframe, choose Most recent
sold statistics or Historical
sold statistics.
If you choose Historical, select a Month and Year.
- At Area, choose from the drop-down list.
- At Municipality, choose one or more from the drop-down list. (CTRL+Click to choose more than one.) If you don't choose at least one Municipality, the system assumes you want to view statistics for all Municipalities in the selected Area.
- Click Submit.
- At the report, click any Municipality to view a detail report showing statistics by property type. Click Back to return to the summary report.
- At the statistical summary or the detail report for a particular Municipality,
click Print View. TMLS displays
the corresponding report in a printable format in a new browser window.
- Choose Print
from the browser's File menu.
- Specify the printer options.
- Click Print.
- Close
browser window to return to the statistical summary.
- You can print documents
without extraneous reference information at the top (header) and the bottom
(footer) of each page. (See Special Printing Format.)
- Click Back to
display the previously viewed report.
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Copyright Stratus Data Systems, Inc. 2011
Help for TorontoMLS, v. June 30, 2011